Pitivi 0.98 — Getting there

This is another release focused on fixing bugs and improving stability.

Improved timeline

We switched our official build to use GTK 3.22 and the framework did not like how we were using it, spamming us with warnings in the console. We fixed those and improved the timeline in the process and added more unit tests.

It was quite a journey. Initially, the GTK Inspector was useful to figure out which widgets the widget IDs in the warnings identified. Then we had to go back between the GTK documentation and the #gtk+ IRC channel until we figured out we were changing the size of some containers in their do_draw methods, which was not good.

Accelerated development

Taking advantage of an opportunity, with the last money from our coffers (the remaining 2014 fundraiser donations and the GSoC mentor stipends) we hired Alexandru Băluț, a long-time Pitivi contributor, so he can focus better on fixing issues blocking the 1.0 release. Alex worked on Pitivi in Oct, Nov, and will allocate more time in Dec 2016. Thanks again to everybody who donated!

Customizable keyboard shortcuts

Jakub Brindza, our GSoC 2016 student, finished the customizable keyboard shortcuts feature. See how it works in the screencast below.

Supported muxers and encoders

In the previous version, 0.97, we picked a set of supported muxers, audio encoders, video encoders, added integration tests for them in GES, and changed the rendering dialog to show very clearly the ones which are unsupported.


See what’s left to do for 1.0 in the 0.99 and 1.0 columns in Phabricator. If you want to help in any way, come to our IRC channel. We prepared a nice list of tasks suitable for newcomers. These are good also for students interested to apply for a GSoC with us.

The build system has been ported to meson, no more autogen! 😉

6 thoughts on “Pitivi 0.98 — Getting there”

  1. It was very disappointing to install Pitivi 0.98 (to Linux Mint 18, Mate using flatpak) and to not get the dark theme. Have tried modifying the desktop environment. It changes other software but not Pitivi. I’m also disappointed there are no forums for Pitivi and no way of communicating except this page and social media which I don’t subscribe to.


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